Is your property at risk of being condemned? Maybe it’s the home you live in, maybe it’s a home you own but haven’t seen in a while, or maybe it’s a property that you recently inherited…Whatever the case, homes get condemned when a government entity determines that the property is no longer fit to live in. (Consistently receiving code violations is usually a harbinger of this happening.)This might be due to the home being vacant for more than 60 days, utilities being disconnected, or an inspector documenting specific hazards. If a home is condemned, the owners will receive a letter notifying them that the property must be vacated — the owner might then be ordered to repair or demolish the building. If you’re dealing with a condemned home, what should you do? There are really just a few options…
1. Try To Reverse Condemned Status — Most of the time, an owner can try to negotiate with the government and reverse the condemned status of the property. But this will usually require repairs to be made to the home in accordance with living guidelines. This is definitely an option, but only if you have a good chunk of money to invest in repairs and updates.
2. Demolish — The other option is to demolish the structure. Then the land can be kept or sold. Unfortunately, even demolishing a house properly can be pretty pricey… ranging from $3,000 to $18,000 depending on the size and location of the house.
3. Sell For Cash — If you don’t want to deal with the hassle of repairing or demolishing, why not just sell your property as-is for cash to a professional homebuyer? At East Wind Properties, we buy homes like yours as-is for cash and we can even close in as little as two weeks. Call us at (717) 722-4003 to learn more!